Supporting Organisations
Get help & support
As part of our post-show Q&A, we invite local organisations to offer advice and provide links to local support. If you've been affected by any of the issues raised in our plays, please click on the logos below for links to supporting organisations that can help.
Domestic abuse support
Our Play Happy Even After raises issues about domestic abuse. Below are organisations that can offer help and advice to anyone affected by domestic abuse.
Alcoholism support
Our Play DRY raises issues about alcoholism. Below are organisations that can offer help and advice to anyone affected by alcoholism.
Dementia support
Our Play Connie's Colander raises issues about dealing with dementia. Below are organisations that can offer help and advice to anyone affected by dementia.
Loneliness & Isolation support
Our Play Flat 73 raises issues about dealing with loneliness & Isolation. Below are organisations that can offer help and advice to anyone affected by loneliness & Isolation.
Breast Cancer support
Our Play The Fourth Dog explores issues around breast cancer. Below are organisations that can offer help and advice to anyone affected by breast cancer.
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